
Banana Pancakes

Cras maecenas, enim volutpat mauris elementum morbi sodales fames. Consectetur sociis auctor pharetra aptent nascetur tempus magna feugiat. Interdum tempus cursus maecenas ad velit fames. Eget venenatis massa rhoncus adipiscing quisque vel risus.

meal prep time

19 mins

meal cook time

11 mins

serving size

5 servings


step 1

Some dummy text instructions on how to prepare this delicious meal.

step 2

Some dummy text instructions on how to prepare this delicious meal.

step 3

Some dummy text instructions on how to prepare this delicious meal.


1 1.2 cups of dry pancake mix

1.2 cups of bananas

1 cup of skim/regular milk



Measuring Spoon(s)

Measuring Cups

Heavy Nonstick Griddle/Seasoned Cast-Iron Skillet